
The prizes mentioned here are awards that Hansgeorg Derks both received during his operative responsibility for the companies he was working for as well as for companies he consulted.

Alfred Gerardi Gedächtnispreis
Hansgeorg Derks was awarded by the German Direct Marketing Association DDV for his diploma thesis “Direktmarketing im Einsatz einer Partei am Beispiel der CDU Deutschland”.


Best of corporate Publishing
Awarded for bulthaup magazine and bulthaup perspectives.

Logo CBP

Chicago Athenae
Awarded for the products HansaCanyon and HansaStela.

Logo Gooddesign

Design Preis der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Awarded fort he products HansaCanyon and HansaStela.

Logo Designpreis der BRD

German Brand Award
Awarded for the company BORA Lüftungstechnik GmbH.

Logo German Brand Award 2016

IF Design Award
Awarded for the products HansaCanyon and Forster Küche Pur11.


Red Dot Design Award
Awarded for the products HansaCanyon, HansaClear and Forster Küche Pur11.

Logo reddot

Schöner Wohnen neue Klassiker des 21 Jahrhunderts
Awarded for bulthaup b3.
